Modern slavery is a serious issue that affects many people around the world, including some foreign workers who come to the UK to work in the care sector. According to Unseen UK, a charity that runs a national helpline for victims of modern slavery, there has been a sharp increase in calls from care staff who reported being exploited, abused, and trapped in debt by their employers or agents12.
If you are a care industry employer, you have a responsibility to ensure that your workers are treated fairly and humanely. You can also help prevent modern slavery by creating a culture of trust and openness in your organisation. One way to do this is by using iTrust. We provide training , support and advice on how to encourage and protect those who speak up. By empowering your staff to speak up about any concerns or issues they may have, you can foster a positive work environment and protect your reputation.
Modern slavery is not only a crime, but also a violation of human dignity and rights. As a care industry employer, you can make a difference by taking action against it and supporting your workers. To find out more about iTrust and our ground-breaking software, email us at info@theitrustapp.com